Anderson Baseball Academy is an indoor baseball facility that specializes in the development of today’s baseball athlete.

The goal of our training at Anderson Baseball Academy is to challenge each and every athlete slightly beyond his present ability and capability every time he/she trains at the facility. We believe that growth and learning will take place at the highest level when the challenge is just beyond our present grasp. If the goal is too far outside of our present capabilities, we could potentially lead an individual to become frustrated, overwhelmed, and discouraged. If we present a goal to an individual that has already conquered that challenge, he will lack the motivation to reach greater heights.

At Anderson Baseball Academy, we personalize your own individual development plan that grows with you, but in order to grow we must understand where you currently stand as a baseball player. Objective Measurement and Video Analysis provides us with evidence of each individual’s skills, abilities, and mechanical efficiency..


Give players a clear mental picture of what success looks like.

We use state-of-the-art video analysis technology, using RightView Pro, for hitters and pitchers to identify any movement pattern which may be limiting their ascension to their personal next level. The video analysis system allows us to view players side by side with the best professional pitchers and hitters in the game today!.

This analysis helps speed up the learning process for players by helping them clearly understand what they're trying to accomplish on the mound or at the plate.


Measure, analyze, and provide on-field feedback for the players.

Check out the new HitTrax Baseball Simulator at Anderson Baseball Academy. They did a promotional video at our facility for their new product, and it came out extremely well. We're using this in our lessons to measure, analyze, and provide on-field feedback for the players.

You can also rent our cages out and use the system for game action, tournaments, home run derby, hitting competitions, and hitting leagues. There's a number of different Major League stadiums to choose from that can be scaled down to size for little league players. We also have a fast pitch softball, slow pitch softball, and little league stadium (Williamsport).